
The very nature of God's Spirit is to express power and to share it.

When so many feel powerless, it is good to know that God is generous, offering the Spirit's empowerment to all the world.

The offer is there for you now as well. Reach out, reach up for the power of the Spirit in your life.


"I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever he hears, and he will declare to you the things that are to come."

John 16:12-13


Have you ever tried to understand something really complicated? Maybe it was a really hard math problem, or maybe it was a weird grammar rule. Maybe you were trying to make sense out of the way a friend was acting. There will always be things that are hard to understand!

The things that Jesus taught us can be even more challenging than a math problem. What does it really mean to “love your neighbor?” Does Jesus really want us to “sell all you have?” What about the things Jesus said about sin and judgment?

One of the reasons God sent the Holy Spirit is to help us understand the Bible and how to apply it to our lives. Never forget to ask the Spirit to empower you to understand God’s word!

Rebecca Poe Hays


Dear God, thank you for sending Jesus to teach me about you and how you want me to live. Please help me pay attention to the words of Scripture and to the ways your Holy Spirit helps me understand them. Amen.


Come, Blazing Fire,
Anoint our tongues with the messages of peace;
Till, though blind, we see,
And deaf, we hear,
And imprisoned, find release.

Vicki Vogel Schmidt