Ordinary Time


The world doesn’t need a miracle from above to end hate, oppression, injustice, and inequality. It doesn’t need an act of God to end the suffering we see happening.

The world needs us, followers of Jesus, to say “Enough already!” and to work together to be God’s hands and feet.


The time is coming, declares the Lord, when I will raise up a righteous descendant from David’s line, and he will rule as a wise king. He will do what is just and right in the land. During his lifetime, Judah will be saved and Israel will live in safety. And his name will be The Lord Is Our Righteousness.

Jeremiah 23:5-6


The world is suffering; therefore, we have work to do. How do we start? In Jesus, God has already raised “the righteous descendent” about which the book of Jeremiah speaks. Jesus showed up for the poor and the marginalized. He showed up for the hungry and the sick. He showed up and spoke truth to power and demanded justice.

How do we change the world? By showing up! Show up for the hungry and feed them. Show up for the lonely and visit them. Show up for the bullied and defend them. Show up for change-makers and march with them. Show up for one another, because your smile may be the only smile someone gets, your hug may be the only hug someone receives, and your kind word may be the only kind word someone hears.

But none of that happens unless you show up. Show up, because there is a world waiting for you.

Ed Stallworth


Lord, give me the courage to show up and help those around me who are in need. Amen.


You are the answer to the prayers of the hungry, lonely, bullied, oppressed, and hurting.

What will you do today – not tomorrow or someday – to be the hands and feet of God in your world?