Ordinary Time
What’s on your mind today? What’s on your heart today?
Rest for a moment, opening your mind and heart, trusting that God cares and will lead you.
Jesus gave the people strict orders not to tell anyone. But the more he tried to silence them, the more eagerly they shared the news. People were overcome with wonder, saying, “He does everything well! He even makes the deaf to hear and gives speech to those who can’t speak.”
Mark 7:36-37
In Mark’s gospel, Jesus has recently fed five thousand people, walked on water, and cured an outsider’s daughter. That’s a lot of wondrous grace!
It’s so transformative amid the reality of everyday life that people apparently cannot remain quiet. So, overcome with wonder, they start to spread the good news.
While writing this devotional at a park, I was approached by eager young missionaries from a different Christian tradition who wanted to convert me to their tradition. That’s not how I live my faith in action, but we laughed together when they discovered I’m a Presbyterian pastor! When I asked how I could pray for them, they simply asked that others might know the love of Christ. I too hope that God’s embracing love and grace might be encountered by everyone.
Faith in action should be unique to each of us! But together we can root whatever action each of us might take in a shared genuine wonder of God’s grace: love so transformative to witness that we cannot remain quiet.
Molly Logan
Question to Ponder:
How can you respond to the deep joys or challenges of your day in ways that are both genuine to who you are and gracious to others?
Loving God, guide me to try my best to share and be your love in ways that are transformatively gracious and authentic to me. I know I might not do that perfectly, but guide me to act and treat others in the wonder of your grace.
Specifically, help me treat … with grace today.
May God’s compassion and faithful love guide all our actions today!