Ordinary Time


Our faith communities help us see God at work in the world. Together we make up the body of Christ.

Breathe in and hear God affirm you as a beloved part of the body of Christ.

Breathe out and give thanks for being a part of the body of Christ.


Let them praise God’s name with dance; let them sing God’s praise with the drum and lyre!

Because the Lord is pleased with his people, God will beautify the poor with saving help.

Psalm 149:3-4


Sometimes it seems like people in the world take everything so seriously. And there is serious work to be done. There are many, many injustices that continue. There are people continually marginalized. There are people homeless, hungry, and sick. And it is indeed our work as disciples of Christ to respond to those needs.

Today’s reading reminds us that God also wants us to be joyful. The difficult work we have to do and our joyful praise of God are not mutually exclusive. We need the psalmist’s reminder that God delights in us and in the work we do for God. Joy can beautifully motivate our work in the world.

Katherine Doyle

Question to Ponder:

Can you think of a time you gathered with your community of faith and truly felt full of joy? What was happening? Who was there?


Dear God, thank you for loving me and desiring joy in my life.

Help me to seek out times to celebrate you with others.



What communities will you be involved in today?

Look for where God is present.

Is God nudging you to do something or to say something?