Journey to the Cross


I want to walk as a child of the light.
I want to follow Jesus.
God sent the stars to give light to the world.
The star of my life is Jesus.

Kathleen Thomerson in “I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light” (1970)


During his days on earth, Christ offered prayers and requests with loud cries and tears as his sacrifices to the one who was able to save him from death. He was heard because of his godly devotion. Although he was a Son, he learned obedience from what he suffered.

Hebrews 5:7-8


You may be familiar with one of the most famous lines from the movie, The Matrix, “I didn’t say it would be easy, Neo. I just said it would be the truth.”

The painful truth for Jesus was that in return for calling people to the ways of God he was facing certain death. Fully human, Jesus naturally wanted to be saved from this fate. In this passage we are told he offered “loud cries and tears as his sacrifices to the one who was able to save him from death.” It’s not easy to read that Jesus suffered in this way. But it is true.

As the people of God, we are not called to the easy places. God calls us to be with the suffering, the lonely, the dying, to the uncomfortable and the forsaken. Especially in times of trial and discomfort, we may cry out to God, pleading for a way forward that does not require sacrifice.

But, we know there is no other way. And although this may not be easy to accept, we know that it is true.

Wendy Johnson


God, I know you call me into relationship with yourself and with others. I know you call me to be with those who are suffering. Help me to remember that you are with me in these places.

For I am your follower and you are my God. Amen.


We belong to each other, and we belong to God.