Ordinary Time


Jesus is the Way – our pathway and our traveling companion.

He shows us where we're going, and how to get there together. He invites us to join the journey.

Can you hear Jesus calling your name? Will you follow?


Lord, listen to my voice when I cry out— have mercy on me and answer me! Come, my heart says, seek God’s face. Lord, I do seek your face! Please don’t hide it from me! Don’t push your servant aside angrily— you have been my help! God who saves me, don’t neglect me! Don’t leave me all alone!

Psalm 27:7-9


When the Way is lonely, foolish, and fearful, we are not alone. We walk together, and we walk in the presence of the One who always hears our cries.

The book of Psalms is many things at once. It is the author’s (often, but not always, the shepherd King David’s) reflections on his relationship with God. It is a book of personal devotions, and it is a book of hymns for a worshiping community. It is both scripture that instructs and encourages us as readers, and it is prayers we ourselves can pray; it is both God communicating to us, and words we can use to speak to God.

As followers of Christ – on the Way toward the coming Kingdom, and in all the ways he showed us how to live – we reach out to God all along the journey. In our own private hearts and in voices joined together, we call out to God. In our own hearts, and in our joined voices, we seek God every step of the Way.

Nikki Finkelstein-Blair


God of the Way, with the psalmist I pray: Do not leave me alone! As I follow the call of Jesus, as I journey toward your eternal Kingdom, I rest in your presence. I lean on my fellow travelers. I seek your face. Amen.


The Way is waiting for you. Take steps forward or even backward. Slow down or sprint or skip like a child. Whether your pace is fast or slow, steady or stumbling, Jesus welcomes you to follow him to God's glorious kingdom.