Ordinary Time


The Spirit of God comforts, calls, and challenges.

You are comforted in moments when God seems hidden. You are called to share the gifts the Spirit reveals to you. You are challenged to be the presence of Christ in all you do, all you say, and in who you are.

Be open to the Spirit’s comfort and challenges now in these next quiet moments.


When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord.

John 20:19–20


What are you afraid of? I don’t mean ghosts or scary movies, but what do you really fear? You might have fears about your future, your health, or your family. Fear can paralyze you or cause you to make bad decisions.

Can you imagine dropping everything to follow a man who then amazes you with his teaching and miracles? Everything about this man is good and you believe him to be the Son of God. Why would anyone want him dead? Yet this is exactly where the disciples find themselves after Jesus’ death. Certainly they feared the future. They feared for their own lives. They feared for their loved one.

Then in the quiet of the room, as they huddled against the world outside, Jesus stood among them and announced his presence with a few simple words, “Peace be with you.” The gift of peace; no more living in fear. No matter how big your fears are, Jesus stands with you and offers peace. What is stopping you from accepting it?

Brian Foreman


God of Peace, you offer your Spirit to comfort me. Hear my fears, hold me, and teach me to live in your peace. Amen.


As the Spirit comforts you, give comfort to others. As the Spirit calls you, respond with your gifts. As the Spirit challenges, be the loving presence of God to the world around you.