Ordinary Time


God can.

God will.

God does.


I will bless theĀ Lord at all times; his praise will always be in my mouth. IĀ praise theĀ Lordā€”let the suffering listen and rejoice. Magnify theĀ Lord with me! Together let us lift his name up high! I sought theĀ Lord and he answered me. He delivered me from all my fears.

Psalm 34:1-4


I remember what I felt when I walked in to take my first college class: it was a sense of dread that took over my mind. Have you ever felt like that? Intrusive thoughts began to creep in, trying to make me question: will I be smart enough to make it? Did I make the right choice? Sitting there in class, I remembered what my Bible school teacher always told me:Ā ā€œGod can.ā€ Those two words began to quiet my thoughts, and I began to feel calm and joyful for what God had just done in me in the midst of a classroom full of students.

Our scripture for today tells us that the psalmist asked God for help and received an answer. The psalmistā€™s fears were replaced with joy and praise. His mouth was filled with words expressing his gratitude for what God had done on his behalf and inviting others to recognize God’s power, remembering that God can make a difference.

Lilybeth Bosch

Question to Ponder:

In what situation have you experienced the power of God?


God, thank you because I have seen your power in…

Today I ask you to continue to help me to understand that you can help me whatever my situation may be.



Glory to God, who is able to do far beyond all that we could ask or imagine by his power at work within us.

Ephesians 3:20