Ordinary Time


In this moment, breathe slowly and deeply.

Breathe in the love of God.

Breathe out the peace of Christ.

Try it again.

You are entering into a moment of calm and centering peace.


The Lord supports all who fall down, straightens up all who are bent low. All eyes look to you, hoping, and you give them their food right on time, opening your hand and satisfying the desire of every living thing. The Lord is righteous in all his ways, faithful in all his deeds. The Lord is close to everyone who calls out to him, to all who call out to him sincerely.

Psalm 145:14-18


The best kind of friends are those who are there for you. Those who show up and know how to be present. These kinds of friends pay attention and can sense where there is need. They know how to help, what to say, and especially what NOT to say. Thanks be to God for these kinds of friends.

The psalmist sings of a friend like that, and this friend is the Lord.

The Lord is like a helping hand, a source of hope, and stays close to us. God is good like that. You and I have the power to be good like that, too. Let’s stay close to God, so that we might reflect the love of God like a loyal friend. For sometimes a friend is all you need to get through the day.

Aram Feinberg

Question to Ponder:

Think about a time when a friend made your day. What did that friend do or not do to make your day?


Thank you for your friendship, Lord. Thank you for staying close to me even when I feel far away from you. Help me to be led by your Holy Spirit so that I might be a friend to someone who really needs it this day.



May the God of love bless you and keep you.

May Jesus the Christ smile upon you and be gracious toward you.

And may the Spirit of truth lead you in the path of wisdom and peace.

And God’s people say: Amen.