Ordinary Time


Come. Come to the well of God’s Word and draw from the source of hope, inspiration, and courage that only God can give us through the Love of Jesus Christ.


Jesus and his followers went into Capernaum. Immediately on the Sabbath Jesus entered the synagogue and started teaching. The people were amazed by his teaching, for he was teaching them with authority, not like the legal experts.

Mark 1:21-22


What a phrase! “With authority, not like the legal experts…” In today’s slang we might call that a “burn.” Experts and their like are given authority by us because of their education, their role in the world, and various other reasons. But Jesus’ authority? Where does it come from? Jesus has no formal education as we think about it today, and Jesus’ role (in the eyes of the people) is that of a carpenter’s son. Where is the source of Jesus’ authority?

Once again, the source of authority is God. Jesus’ authority is his connection with God through a deep well of trust and faith. Everything we are, everything you are, is of God, too. God is the source of hope… courage… resilience… of all things. If we share in a life and a death like Christ (and we do!), then we share in that same deep well, for we too are God’s children. You are God’s child, chosen and loved. This well is for you, too.

Kris “Bubba” Brammer


O Lord, Source of all things good and holy, I give thanks for your everlasting presence that allows me to draw from your hope-giving Spirit. May I never lose sight of the depths of your love and may I continue to draw from your Spirit all the days of my life. Amen.


Go. Go from the well of God’s Word and presence, knowing that what we draw there sustains us, renews us, and gives us life to be the people of God and Christ’s light in the world.