Ordinary Time


Certainly the faithful love of the Lord hasnā€™t endedā€¦Great is your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22ā€“23


Whenever I am in deep trouble,Ā you make me live again;Ā you send your power against my enemiesā€™ wrath;Ā you save me with your strong hand. TheĀ LordĀ will do all this for my sake.

Your faithful love lasts forever,Ā Lord! Donā€™t let go of what your hands have made.

Psalm 138:7-8


Some of our most vulnerable moments are when we feel lonely. These are times thoughts often creep in telling us we are unloved or unseen. Ask God for help to stand against these lies. God sees you and is with you always. Godā€™s love for you is real and nothing can separate you from it (Romans 8:28).

Nothing can satisfy your deepest need for love other than God. God has the long view of your life and desires good things for you. Those things donā€™t always happen or come in the way we think or in the timing we hope, but be assured that God is faithful. As a child of the living God there are good plans for you: ā€œplans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a futureā€ (Jeremiah 29:11NIV). Be patient, pray, and trust that ā€œGod will not let go of what [Godā€™s] hands have madeā€ (Psalm 138:8b). You are what God has made! God will never let you go!

Amy Richards

Question to Ponder:

When you are lonely, what can you do to remind yourself of the truth that God is with you?


Lord, save me from the lies that I am not worthy of goodness and love. Help me not depend on the acceptance of others for my worth but know I am worthy because I am yours. Thank you for your faithful love and help me grasp how wide, how long, and how deep the love of Christ is for me. Amen.


Go into the world today knowing that you are a child of God. God goes before you, Christ is within you, and the Holy Spirit will guide you. God is faithful, and Godā€™s love for you never ends.