Ordinary Time


Jesus says to us, “Come to me, all you who are struggling hard and carrying heavy loads and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)

What are you carrying that you need to unload?

Imagine that you are holding it in your hands. In your mind, place what you are holding into the strong, scarred hands of Jesus.

Trust that he loves you and wants to carry it for you.


That evening, at sunset, people brought to Jesus those who were sick or demon-possessed. The whole town gathered near the door. He healed many who were sick with all kinds of diseases, and he threw out many demons. But he didn’t let the demons speak, because they recognized him.

Early in the morning, well before sunrise, Jesus rose and went to a deserted place where he could be alone in prayer.

Mark 1:32-35


If you start reading at Mark 1:21, you see that, according to Mark’s account, Jesus started out the day teaching in the synagogue, the local place of worship. While there, he’s confronted by a screaming person with an evil spirit and heals them. He then goes to Simon’s home and heals Simon’s mother-in-law. That evening, the whole town gathers at the door, bringing Jesus those who were afflicted. And all of this ON THE SABBATH! Talk about a long day!

What do you do after a long stressful day or week? Mark 1:35 says that before sunrise, Jesus went alone to a quiet place where he could just be with God. Jesus shows us how we can find spiritual rest and recharge our spiritual batteries – intentional time alone with our Creator and source of life. If the Son of God needs to refocus and listen to God’s assuring voice, then we certainly do. Each day, take time to plug in to the One who understands you completely and loves you fully.

Stella Perrin


Lord, I admit that sometimes it is hard to unplug from the world around me and to connect with you. Forgive me for trying to seek life from other people, places, and things. Thank you for truly hearing my heart when I come to you and for restoring my soul. Amen.


Go, believing in the power of the good news to restore, heal, forgive, and bring peace.

Jesus says: “I have said these things so that you will have peace in me. In the world you have distress. But be encouraged! I have conquered the world.” (John 16:33)