Ordinary Time


There's bound to come some trouble to your life
But that ain't nothing to be afraid of

There's bound to come some trouble to your life
But that ain't no reason to fear

I know there's bound to come some trouble to your life
But reach out to Jesus, hold on tight

He's been there before and He knows what it's like
You'll find He's there

from Rich Mullins, “Bound to Come Some Trouble”


He has told you, human one, what is good and what the Lord requires from you: to do justice, embrace faithful love, and walk humbly with your God.

Micah 6:8


Sometimes life just seems so complicated. There are so many different people, different opinions, and different experiences. What seems right one day can seem completely wrong the next. And something that helps one person could potentially hurt someone else. It’s hard to know what to do and where to start.

When we feel confused and overwhelmed, we need to hear the prophet Micah. The prophet’s words are like an anchor that holds us steady amidst the waves of a stormy sea.

Do justice.

Love mercy.

Walk humbly with God.

This is our mission statement as people of God. Justice, mercy, and humility before God. Everything we do, every choice we make, can be measured against this simple mission. So keep these words close by. Read them again and again. And let the ancient words lead you courageously onward.

Amy Bost Henegar


God, I want to do great and impressive things in your service, but often all you want is a single step in the right direction. So for today, show me how to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with you. Amen.


Go, and know that the Lord goes with you:
let God lead you each day into the quiet place of your heart,
and speak with you;
know that the Lord loves you and watches over you -
that God listens to you in gentle understanding,
and is with you always,
wherever you are and however you may feel:
and may the blessing of God be yours for ever.

Adapted from anonymous prayer in All Will Be Well, ed. Lyn Klug