Ordinary Time


Here we are. It's February, and Christmas is not far behind. In one of my favorite songs of that season, we sing, "Do you hear what I hear? A song, a song, high above the trees, with a voice as big as the sea. With a voice as big as the sea.”

Have you ever thought of the sea having a voice?

Do you think of songs you cannot actually hear, but which speak to you?

Are we missing some of the music that might actually sing in our hearts, if we were open to the song?

Let us tune our ears and hearts to the Holy in this moment.


If I preach the gospel, I have no reason to brag, since I’m obligated to do it. I’m in trouble if I don’t preach the gospel. If I do this voluntarily, I get rewarded for it. But if I’m forced to do it, then I’ve been charged with a responsibility. What reward do I get? That when I preach, I offer the good news free of charge. That’s why I don’t use the rights to which I’m entitled through the gospel.

1 Corinthians 9:16-18


Paul is not in this for himself. He must preach the gospel. His joy is in the sharing of the good news.

So, what about you? What’s the good news that you take joy in sharing? What news can you not avoid sharing, because you are so “full of it,” it’s bubbling up and out of you?

Haven’t you heard? The good news is in the Bible stories. It’s in the world and the people around us. It’s in the quiet wordless songs waiting to be sung and shared.

Barbara Gray


Quiet my heart, Lord God. Still my soul. May I be open, this day, to your song in all that I see and hear. Then strengthen me to share. Amen.


Perhaps, with God’s help, we may choose which voices are stronger in our world. Haven’t you heard? Haven’t you heard the good news of God?

Listen to the trees, the geese flying overhead, the quiet sun slipping behind the hill. So much music in the quietest places in our world.

Go. Open your heart to the music of that silence. Let in the music that many never hear. Choose to listen only for the voices that feed your soul.

And you will be new music to others; and you will hear others in new ways. It’s the good news we all are waiting to hear.