Ordinary Time


Breathe in and out.

Listen with your whole self.

Listen with your ears, focused on the Holy Word.

Listen with your hands, open to Jesus’ embrace.

Listen with your heart, steadied by the Spirit’s presence.

Listen with your feet, grounded on God’s truth.


The Lord’s word came to Jonah a second time: “Get up and go to Nineveh, that great city, and declare against it the proclamation that I am commanding you.” And Jonah got up and went to Nineveh, according to the Lord’s word. (Now Nineveh was indeed an enormous city, a three days’ walk across.)

Jonah 3:1-3


“Repitelo por favor.”

“Repeat it please.”

If I were to guess how many times I use this phrase in conversations with my church’s mission partners in Guatemala, it would be…a lot. My basic Spanish skills require me to hear things multiple times before I understand.

Jonah needs God to repeat the divine message. The word of the Lord comes to Jonah a second time because Jonah didn’t seem to hear God the first time around. He ran away from God, and to say it didn’t go well would be putting it lightly. (Read Jonah 1-2.) Now, Jonah gets another chance to proclaim God’s word to the last people he believes God should care about.

Sometimes we don’t want to hear God’s call. We think, “Really, God? That place? These people? Those actions?” Listening to God’s call often pushes us into brave spaces, spaces defined by vulnerability. When fear or frustration drown out God’s voice, God continues to speak. With gentle persistence and infinite patience, God repeats the call until we get up and follow.

Jennie Barber

Question to Ponder:

Was there a time in your life God needed to repeat God’s call for you? What finally helped you hear and understand?


Patient Word,

Sometimes I hear you clearly and respond with joy.

Sometimes I do everything I can to drown out your voice.

When I fail and fumble, may your grace lift me up and call me back.



Listen with your whole self.

Listen with your ears as God’s voice comes through the unexpected.

Listen with your hands as you share and receive the Spirit’s gifts.

Listen with your heart as it beats to the rhythms of God’s love.

Listen with your feet as you walk with Jesus today.