Ordinary Time


Breathe in and out.

Listen with your whole self.

Listen with your ears, focused on the Holy Word.

Listen with your hands, open to Jesus’ embrace.

Listen with your heart, steadied by the Spirit’s presence.

Listen with your feet, grounded on God’s truth.


God has spoken one thing—make it two things—that I myself have heard: that strength belongs to God, and faithful love comes from you, my Lord—and that you will repay everyone according to their deeds.

Psalm 62:11-12


“French fry!”


When my kids were beginning skiers, I sounded like I was ordering a food court feast on every run. I could have shouted more descriptive phrases, but simple words reminded them of the basics. Knowing where to put their skis and when was the foundation for their growth as skiers.

The psalmist hears so many words about God, from her community, from scripture, from the Spirit speaking to her own heart. As her prayer comes to an end only a few words stay rooted in her memory. Strength and faithful love dwell deep within God’s being. Relying on God’s strength and trusting in God’s faithful love will provide a foundation for her throughout her journey of faith.

We hear so many words about who God is and what God is like. Sometimes they leave us confused. Sometimes they open us to new understanding. Through growth and change we can cling to words that remind us of foundational truths about God. These words will steady and equip us to continue to hear God’s call.

Jennie Barber

Question to Ponder:

Think about words and phrases that remind you who God is and what God is like. How do they keep you grounded as you follow Jesus and listen for his call?


Stronghold of faithful love,

Steady me with words of your truth and goodness.

Let these words carry me into your presence today.



Listen with your whole self.

Listen with your ears as God’s voice comes through the unexpected.

Listen with your hands as you share and receive the Spirit’s gifts.

Listen with your heart as it beats to the rhythms of God’s love.

Listen with your feet as you walk with Jesus today.