Ordinary Time


What kind of greatness are we looking for in the Christian life?


Therefore, submit to God. Resist the devil, and he will run away from you. Come near to God, and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners. Purify your hearts, you double-minded.

James 4:7-8


James gets right to the point in today’s scripture, and I’m here for it. I appreciate a clear direction, and that is exactly what we find in James 4. Give yourself to God. Reject what is not of God. Spend time going after the things God values. God will be close by.

But as good as I feel at following directions, life is full of muddy messes—the kind that require a lot of washing up. Sometimes wanting to wash up doesn’t get the job done. Our messes involve other people, difficult relationships, opposing viewpoints. This doesn’t even skim the surface of our own stubbornness, self-righteousness, selfishness, and short-sightedness. What a mess! And still, when you clear the rubble and re-adjust your eyes toward God, there is a clearing. Sure, there may be only minutes before you’re in the middle of your next mess, but God will be close by. And just like last time…and next time…God waits for you.

Alisha Damron Seruyange

Question to Ponder:

Even when you’ve been in the middle of the messes of your life, what clues have you seen that God is near?


God, the mess of this human life is all around me, and I can’t figure out why you stay near. Help me feel your nearness in the muddy middle of it all. Give me eyes to see you more clearly and go after the things of you.



Being great starts when we set our hearts toward the ways of God, connecting with God, and then loving the world more like God loves.