Ordinary Time


Pray a breath prayer, silently repeating the following phrases from Psalm 46 with each deep breath. (Repeat for as long as you like, but aim for at least 4-5 times.)

Breathe in: “Be still and know”

Breathe out: “that I am God.”


James and John, Zebedee’s sons, came to Jesus and said, “Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever we ask.”

“What do you want me to do for you?” he asked.

They said, “Allow one of us to sit on your right and the other on your left when you enter your glory.”

Mark 10:35-37


The conversation in our scripture for today happens right after Jesus has predicted his death and resurrection. Jesus and the disciples had been traveling around teaching and healing, and people in power weren’t happy about it. Now Jesus keeps talking about leaving in a really hard way, and with that hardship to come fresh on their minds, James and John ask Jesus for positions of honor next to him. I imagine James and John were worried and maybe even afraid about what was coming, so I get why they might try to find some stability, or at least a way to way to stay with Jesus a little longer. Still, it’s a bold ask, considering everything Jesus was dealing with.

Even though James and John don’t end up getting those seats at Jesus’ right and left, Jesus is present with them, asking what they need even as he is preparing for his own death. He hears them out, and it’s a powerful reminder that no matter what, we can share our needs and questions with God.

Allison Wehrung

Question to Ponder:

What things, people, or places are the most comforting to you in hard times?


Loving God, thank you for meeting me where I am. Give me the confidence to follow you toward whatever is next.



God be the love to search and keep me

God be the prayer to move my voice

God be the strength to now uphold me

O Christ, surround me

O Christ, surround me

Richard Bruxvoort Colligan, “O Christ, Surround Me”