Ordinary Time


Approach God with quiet, gentle movements.

Refuse to be “loud” and eager to do the talking.

Come ready to bow down . . .

and listen . . .

and find purpose,

as one who remembers what it is to be less than holy.


When Jesus entered the temple, the chief priests and elders of the people came to him as he was teaching. They asked, “What kind of authority do you have for doing these things? Who gave you this authority?”

Matthew 21:23


We find Jesus as his final week of earthly ministry begins. One day earlier, Jesus had tipped over the tables and chairs being used within the temple walls to swindle people coming for worship. He even healed people! Watching all of this unfold sparked feelings of anger in the chief priests and elders. These religious leaders possessed power and influence. They resented Jesus because people responded favorably to him. We can hear an attitude in their accusation: “Who does this guy think he is anyway?” Jesus’ use of power called their own authority into question.

In the movie Remember the Titans, Assistant Coach Yoast calls out the unfair officiating at the Regional Championship football game. He refuses to allow racism directed at Head Coach Boone to penalize the players.

There are times when we are called to follow Jesus’ way and to call out people in power – whenever they are using their power to take advantage or harm others. God gives you the authority to speak truth, to defend, challenge, protect, elevate, and affirm others. Do it.

Brian Abel


God, I don’t always think of myself as an influential person. Help me find the courage I need to stand up and speak out as one who follows Christ. Tables still need to be overturned. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Rise from a kneeling place.

Embrace God’s call to put others first today.

Resist the urge to find a spotlight.

Allow the light of God’s love to shine brightly, even boldly, through you.