Ordinary Time


Breath of Heaven, comfort us with new life and hope.

Breath of Life, empower us to act creatively and compassionately.

Breath of Peace, guide us in the way of love and truth.


“Whenever he has gathered all of his sheep, he goes before them and they follow him, because they know his voice. They won’t follow a stranger but will run away because they don’t know the stranger’s voice.”

Those who heard Jesus use this analogy didn’t understand what he was saying.

John 10:4-6


Simon Says. Remember that game? Such a simple and fun game. I don’t know about you, but I wish for fun, simpler times. I wish for times when don’t need to keep a six-feet distance and embraces are welcome and encouraged. I wish for fun times when we can play as a youth group, have family gatherings, and worship in person. Instead, Simon Says: wash your hands, wear a DIY face mask, and stay at home. It’s necessary for the common good.

And so we obey the rules and hope for the best.

But the good news of the Gospel goes a step further.

Jesus Says: I provide peace beyond the best of what this messed-up world can even muster. Jesus Says: I mourn with you because I get it, and I hurt when you hurt. Jesus Says: I am comfort, so breathe in stillness and grace. Jesus Says: I got you, so trust and follow my lead of love. Jesus Says: love. Above all else, love.

In these unprecedented times, may we follow the voice of the One who calls us to be loved and to love. For the Bible tells us so, indeed.

Aram Bae


Lord, you are the Voice who calms the storm within us. No matter what I can’t control at this time, remind me by your Spirit that I have the freedom and choice to follow your ways of faith, hope, and love. Help me to follow you day by day, starting this very day. Amen.


God the Shepherd, bless us and keep us.

God the Redeemer, smile upon us and be gracious towards us.

God the Spirit, lead us in the path of wisdom and peace.

And all of God’s people say: Amen.