Ordinary Time


Breath of Heaven, comfort us with new life and hope.

Breath of Life, empower us to act creatively and compassionately.

Breath of Peace, guide us in the way of love and truth.


The Lord is my shepherd. I lack nothing. He lets me rest in grassy meadows; he leads me to restful waters; he keeps me alive. He guides me in proper paths for the sake of his good name.

Psalm 23:1-3


I have a confession, and it is this: I’m really good at complaining. I call it venting, but it’s really just complaining. For example: I hate not seeing my people in person; I want to hug and kiss my nephews; I miss seeing my students at church; I miss laughing, sharing, and eating together. I hate physical distancing. I miss social proximity. I really hate this, COVID-19.

And yet, here I am, alive and healthy. I call family and friends every day. I Zoom with staff and students. I worship online. We can grocery shop. We have food and water, and we can help local food banks. We have music, internet access, and the beauty of nature.

Perhaps the most powerful phrase of today’s passage is this: “I lack nothing.” Because the Lord is our shepherd, we lack nothing. We have family, friends, grateful memories of the past, and promises of the present and future. We may certainly experience loss and grief, and still there are restful waters and proper paths to carry us through. Yes, we lack nothing, for the Good Lord is our shepherd.

Aram Bae


Lord, you are my shepherd. I lack nothing. You let me rest in grassy meadows, and you lead me to restful waters. You guide me in proper paths for the sake of your good name. For that, I give you thanks. Amen.


God the Shepherd, bless us and keep us.

God the Redeemer, smile upon us and be gracious towards us.

God the Spirit, lead us in the path of wisdom and peace.

And all of God’s people say: Amen.