Ordinary Time


“A saint is not someone who is good but who experiences the goodness of God.” (Thomas Merton, Trappist monk)

When we catch glimpses of God’s goodness in our lives, we call that grace.

Open your heart, mind, and soul to the ways that you need God’s grace to sustain you on your journey.


I hope, Lord. My whole being hopes, and I wait for God’s promise. My whole being waits for my Lord— more than the night watch waits for morning; yes, more than the night watch waits for morning!

Psalm 130:5-6


Have you ever stayed up all night to watch the sun rise? It’s this daily process that happens without our noticing, but when we do focus our attention on it, it seems to take forever to unfold. It requires patience to wait for the sun to rise.

In the Bible, waiting is never a passive waiting where we just sit on our hands; waiting is active. Waiting is perhaps our culture’s least favorite activity. We are people who crave instant gratification. But the period of waiting is often when we are truly formed into who God is calling us to be.

Perhaps there is a season or a decision in your life that you are anticipating. And maybe you are being forced to wait. During your waiting, allow yourself to be shaped by God. Wait for the Lord.

Tyler Tankersley


God, in the midst of my waiting, help my soul to trust in you. Just as the sun rises each morning, may I know that your presence lights my path for me as I walk the journey of life. Amen.


Grace, grace, God’s grace,
Grace that will pardon and cleanse within;
Grace, grace, God’s grace,
Grace that is greater than all our sin!

from “Grace Greater Than Our Sin” by Julia H. Johnston (1910)