Following the Star


This Advent,

Let us remember: The Lord will continue to do great things for us.

Let us testify to the Light that is God.

Let us hold on to what is good, even when nothing around us makes any sense.

Let us cultivate joy.


This is John’s testimony when the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem sent priests and Levites to ask him, “Who are you?”

John confessed (he didn’t deny but confessed), “I’m not the Christ.”

John 1:19-20


As others may question and dismiss our testimonies, John, as described in the reading, knows who he is… and who he isn’t.

Do you know who you are? Knowing who we are allows us to stand against adversity. John was asked if he was the Messiah, if he was the prophet. Those asking were not genuinely interested in his response. They were setting up a trap for him. But John knew who he was. “I am not the Christ.”

We could all agree with this statement: “I am not the Christ.” Yet this sentence isn’t just a denial; it’s also a confession of who is the Christ – Jesus. It is a reminder of whom John was for. Saying “I’m not the Christ” allows us to share the Good News, to testify and witness to the Messiah who is for all people.

Luz Cabrera Montes


Messiah, who called John, who calls us into the world to calm the storm in others, make your name known in all paths I walk on to all whom I meet on this journey. Amen.


Choose joy, share joy, and make it a discipline.