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The world needs light. The world needs hope. The world needs selflessness. The world needs equality.

The world needs us to show how Christ walked with those that are oppressed and unique, how Christ prayed for all people, and how Christ served humbly without recognition.

Let us shine with the light of Christ.


Declare God’s glory among the nations; declare his wondrous works among all people because the Lord is great and so worthy of praise.

Psalm 96:3-4a


Has there ever been a time where you have been reluctant to share your faith? Think of that time and try to recall why you were hesitant to speak up for your faith. There are times you might be reluctant because you are afraid of what others will think, or you don’t want to be labeled “that Christian person.” Take a moment to give that reluctance or hesitancy up to God.

As Christ followers, we need to be open to sharing our faith with our peers. The psalm says to declare God’s glory to ALL – and that starts with the people closest to us. We don’t have to quote scripture or have all the answers. But we are called to simply share our faith through our words and actions, openly and authentically.

How will you share your faith today at work or school? How will you shine to others the light of Christ?

Megan Turner Doud


God, change the world to know your love. May I be strong in my faith to be an instrument of your grace and love, now and forever. Amen.


Go, sharing your faith with words and deeds.

Go, living in this dark world, and may you be the light.

Go, serving others with humility and grace as Christ did.

And go, singing words of praise each and every day.