Following the Star


The light keeps shining in the dark, and the darkness has never put it out.

John 1:5 (CEV)


There will be vast authority and endless peace for David’s throne and for his kingdom, establishing and sustaining it with justice and righteousness now and forever. The zeal of the Lord of heavenly forces will do this.

Isaiah 9:7


As a little kid, authority was easy to figure out – it was Mom and Dad. Whatever they said, that’s the way it was. I trusted them without question. And why wouldn’t I? They provided me with everything I needed. Of course, this isn’t the case for everyone. The less we can depend on those authority figures in our lives, the harder it is to trust them.

At the time of Isaiah’s writing, it was hard for the people to trust the leaders, and life was a challenge. Whom do the people trust? Whom can they turn to? Whenever we find ourselves in a time of distrust, this is a natural question. Whom can we trust?

That’s why Isaiah’s words, though written long ago, still resonate today. At some time, no matter how strong we are in our faith, we’ll all have worries. But what’s certain is that God is with us. No matter how much darkness surrounds us, the light of God’s everlasting presence is with us. God is with us; in this we can trust.

Kris “Bubba” Brammer


O Lord, its not easy to trust. It’s not easy to rely on others. Help me to see in you, Jesus Christ, that I can always rely on and trust in you. You are ever-present, you are steadfast in your love. For that I give thanks. Amen.


The Light has come.

The Light is within us.

Go and let the Light shine.