Journey to the Cross


Gently, gently, God is coming to you.

Quietly, patiently, Jesus is listening to you.

Peacefully, lovingly, the Spirit is speaking to you.


The woman said to him, “Sir, you don’t have a bucket and the well is deep. Where would you get this living water? You aren’t greater than our father Jacob, are you? He gave this well to us, and he drank from it himself, as did his sons and his livestock.”

John 4:11-12


Jesus has offered the woman living water, and she is grappling with both his metaphors and his claims. Living water has spiritual meanings in the Bible, but it can also just mean flowing water (rather than stagnant water). Jesus’ speech is rightfully confusing to her.

But Jesus is not the only one speaking in metaphor. When she says, “the well is deep,” she doesn’t just mean that Jesus can’t get to the water without a bucket. Her ancestors’ faith has sustained the Samaritans for many hundreds of years, and the well Jacob dug has watered everyone.

Often when we experience something new with our faith, we have trouble connecting the old with the new. The Samaritan woman is grateful for the gifts of her ancestors. If Jesus is going to be generous with her (as he claims he will be), he’ll have to surpass the one who gave her people sustenance, the very water of life.

I can close my eyes and see Jesus grinning back at her and thinking: “Actually, I’m glad you asked…”

Amber Inscore Essick


O gentle Lord, who comes in patience and kindness, teach me to receive what you give with gratitude. Work in my heart to weave the new and old together until the tapestry of my faith reflects the wonders of your love.


Drink of the deep love of God. As it fills your heart, let it overflow to those near you who most need to be seen and heard by God.