Ordinary Time


Love never fails when it follows God.

It is not always easy or safe. It does not always give you warm fuzzies either.

But there is fullness found in the love of God.

The awesome and terrifying thing is that God invites us to demonstrate God’s love to the world.

Let us boldly, yet humbly, enter this together.


I’ve taken refuge in you, Lord. Don’t let me ever be put to shame! Deliver me and rescue me by your righteousness! Bend your ear toward me and save me! Be my rock of refuge where I can always escape. You commanded that my life be saved because you are my rock and my fortress.

Psalm 71:1-3


In the past few years, the east coast of the United States has seen its share of hurricanes and 500-year floods. The west coast has had epic wildfires burning. News headlines are dominated by unrest around the county and the world. In many ways, we carry on daily, either ignoring the headlines or somehow convincing ourselves that “this too shall pass.”

I wonder if we need to take notice of the words of the psalmist, who – rather than hiding from his fears – petitions God for protection. The psalmist is not asleep to the world around him. He doesn’t ignore it or pretend everything is okay. Instead, he leans into God as a refuge.

Perhaps as life’s storms, wildfires, and unrest land at our door each day, we should begin with gratitude for a refuge where our salvation resides. Go forth boldly today, confident in the knowledge of the refuge to which you return!

Brian Foreman


God, I take comfort in you as my refuge and fortress. When life overwhelms me, you are present to rescue and deliver me. While I know that doesn’t mean an absence of trials, I take comfort that I am never alone in them. Amen.


You are God’s.

You are loved.

You are known.

Let God’s love speak to you.

Let God’s love be known through you.
