Ordinary Time


We repent of the evil that enslaves us, the evil we have done, and the evil done on our behalf.

from a prayer of confession in Enriching Our Worship


The one whose wrongdoing is forgiven, whose sin is covered over, is truly happy! The one the Lord doesn’t consider guilty— in whose spirit there is no dishonesty— that one is truly happy!

Psalm 32:1-2


People in my church sometimes complain that they “don’t want to have to talk about sin all the time.” Usually, it’s because they associate talking about sin with feeling ashamed. But I actually think the opposite: Without talking about our sins, there is no way to talk about God’s forgiveness. And talking about forgiveness makes me feel energized and hopeful.

The writer of Psalm 32 is on to something. True happiness comes not from trying to gloss over our sins or pretend that we are totally without sin, but from confessing our wrongdoing and opening our hearts to God’s forgiveness. There is no sin too small for God to notice, nor any sin too big for God to forgive.

Talking about sin doesn’t have to be a downer! Instead, each time we reflect on the parts of our lives that could use a reboot, we have a fresh chance to notice God’s mercy and grace.

Catherine Healy


Gracious God, I want to be truly happy. Please help me pay attention to the places where my thoughts and actions have been out of line with your will for me, forgive my sins, and help me to change my ways. Amen.


May you feel the love of the God who created you, walks beside you, and dwells within you — this day and always.