Ordinary Time


“My peace I give you.” “Blessed are the peacemakers.”


As Christians, we're called to walk in the footsteps of Jesus as peacemakers. This peace appears to have two pursuits: internal and external. There’s the peace we seek within our own hearts, minds, bodies, and spirits. And there’s the peace we seek to enact in the world.

Pause. Inhale. Breathe in the peace of Christ.

Pause. Exhale. Breathe out the peace of Christ.

As you breathe with the scriptures this week, may you learn that you cannot exhale without inhaling, nor can you inhale without exhaling. So too, may you discover the single pursuit of peace.


Yes, goodness and faithful love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the Lord’s house as long as I live.

Psalm 23:6


And there it is. Even in the midst of great disparities of consumption, in the face of deeply entrenched divisions around the world, this is the root of our peacemaking: dwelling in the heart of God.

We are God’s beloved. Yes — every. single. one of us. God’s beloved. You. You are God’s beloved. And your invitation is to take up your residence in that knowledge. We are called to dwell in the love of God as God dwells in us.

Jean Vanier is the founder of L’Arche, an international network of communities for people with and without disabilities. He tells a story about a person with a disability — we’ll call him Pierre. Pierre needed to see a cardiologist. After the appointment, Jean asked Pierre, “How did the doctor visit go?”

“Fine,” Pierre said, “The doctor looked at my heart.”

“And what did he find?” Jean asked.

“Well, Jesus of course!” Pierre responded.

“And what was Jesus doing there?” Jean asked.

“He rests,” Pierre said.

Tim Moore


God, help me to dwell in your heart as you dwell in mine. Help me to see that the art of peacemaking begins and ends here. Amen.


Go in the peace of Christ to give the peace of Christ to others.