Ordinary Time


Just take this minute. This minute is your time with God.

God gives life and new life — life on earth and new life in Christ.

You can read this because you are alive, but you chose to take this time because of the new life God promises.

So take this moment to be refreshed.


My Lord! There is no one like you among the gods! There is nothing that can compare to your works! All the nations that you’ve made will come and bow down before you, Lord; they will glorify your name, because you are awesome and a wonder-worker. You are God. Just you.

Psalm 86:8-10


No god like ours among the gods. Wait, what? What other gods? Is this just talking about ancient superstitions?

In the Large Catechism, the church reformer Martin Luther wrote: “a god means that from which we are to expect all good and to which we are to take refuge in all distress.”

People make all sorts of things into gods — their possessions, their abilities, their addictions, themselves. What are some of the things that you see people worshiping or taking comfort in? Do these things really bring goodness?

God is the real source of goodness. God gave you and everyone else the gift of life and is the only one who can deliver on the promise of new life.

Chris Suehr


Hi God, it’s me again. When I am in trouble, help me find you. Work through the people around me. Help us all to see that you are the only source of goodness. Amen.


When our hearts are saddened, grieving or in pain,
By Your touch You call us back to life again;
Fields of our hearts that dead and bare have been:
Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green.

from “Now the Green Blade Riseth” by John M. C. Crum, 1928