Journey to the Cross


What’s standing in the way between you and feeling fine?

What’s squeezing you in its grip, refusing to let go?

What’s staring you down, telling you to give up?

Opposition = the force that works against you. And it’s not always a cartoon character bad guy, is it?

It could be a hurt you can’t release. A person you can’t forgive. A habit you can’t shake. Those people who never believed in you. That voice in your head that tells you you’re nothing.

What if you listened for a different voice instead?

A voice that whispered the truth?


Now my head is higher than the enemies surrounding me, and I will offer sacrifices in God’s tent— sacrifices with shouts of joy! I will sing and praise the Lord.

Psalm 27:6


Have you ever found that what you focus on grows? When the psalmist concentrates on the enemies, all he or she feels is fear. But when the psalmist turns to God and focuses on the reality of God’s beauty and goodness and rescue, something inside begins to look up.

Try this today. Keep a look-out for reminders of God’s presence. It could be a gorgeous sky. It could be a helpful teacher. It could be a moment on the track when you feel like your feet could fly. It could be a smile from a friend in the hallway. It could be something your brother or sister does that cracks you up. It could be a line from a book or a song that makes you stop and think or even cry.

As you look for signs of the divine presence, watch what happens in your heart. You may find yourself wanting to be that sign for someone else.

Cari Pattison


Restore my joy,
and hold my head high.
Give my enemy the blessing that they need.
And give me the blessing that I need.
In Jesus’ name,


Thus sayeth the Lord:

No weapon formed against you shall prosper.

No weapon of defeat,

No weapon of self-doubt,

No weapon of fear or rejection or jealousy or rage.

No thing can separate you from the love of God in Christ Jesus.

So be strong in the Lord and in the power of God’s might:

‘Cause nothing can stop your journey now.