Ordinary Time


Make room for the real important stuff.

Tigger (in Disney’s The Little Book of Pooh-isms)


The person whose help is the God of Jacob— the person whose hope rests on the Lord their God— is truly happy! God: the maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, God: who is faithful forever, who gives justice to people who are oppressed, who gives bread to people who are starving! The Lord: who frees prisoners. The Lord: who makes the blind see. The Lord: who straightens up those who are bent low. The Lord: who loves the righteous. The Lord: who protects immigrants, who helps orphans and widows, but who makes the way of the wicked twist and turn!

The Lord will rule forever! Zion, your God will rule from one generation to the next!

Praise the Lord!

Psalm 146:5-10


Where do you go for help when you have a decision to make? When you need wisdom? When you feel alone or fearful? Or when you are trying to sort out what this crazy life is all about?

How cool is it that we can call on the God of Jacob, who was also called Israel, from whom the Israelites got their name?! This is the same God who spoke, and light came to be. This is the God who decided that making a rhinoceros would be cool. This is the God who parted the Red Sea, and the water stood at attention. This God, our God, patiently brought the Israelites through the desert. This God raised Jesus from the dead!

This God desires to free captives, heal, love, protect, and help. And we can turn to this God with each of our concerns and struggles. When we focus on who our God is, we can be happy and hopeful. And that empowers us to be used to free others, heal the broken, love, protect, and help. Praise the Lord!

Stella Perrin


God, how awesome it is to think that the One who created the universe created and loves me. As I face challenges and decisions each day, help me to remember who you are – the God who raised Jesus from the dead and who walks with me and helps me. Rule in my life so your power and grace may be evident to all who cross my path. Amen.


Today, make room for God to reveal God’s self to you through the people you encounter, the beauty of God’s creation, and the quiet whispers of God’s Spirit.

And as your soul is filled with the reality of God’s limitless love for you, may it crowd out all the unimportant stuff that weighs you down, freeing you to share that love with others.