Journey to the Cross


Transform my fear, that I might proclaim courage.

Transform my doubt, that I might proclaim hope.

Transform my uncertainty, that I might proclaim faith.

Transform my sin, that I might proclaim forgiveness.


The Lord was my strength and protection; he was my saving help! The sounds of joyful songs and deliverance are heard in the tents of the righteous: “The Lord’s strong hand is victorious! The Lord’s strong hand is ready to strike! The Lord’s strong hand is victorious!”

I won’t die—no, I will live and declare what the Lord has done.

Psalm 118:14-17


We all have stories that we tell about ourselves. We have stories about who we were, who we are, and who we hope to be. These narratives not only describe how we see ourselves but they also dictate what we live into.

Sometimes these stories lift us up. When we tell ourselves that we are right or worthy or loved. When we do something we are proud of. When we dream. But sometimes these stories are harmful. Like when we tell ourselves we’re not good enough. When doubt overcomes us or fear guides us.

God has a story about us too. In God’s eyes we are right and good and worthy. God proclaims that we are filled with courage and determination. With God we have strength to do all things. May we work to make our stories about ourselves reflect those that God tells about us, so that we might proclaim with God a story of love.

Samantha Haycock


God of strength, with each thought and action I am telling the world and myself a story. Help me to know and to share your goodness. Tell me a story about myself that is filled with love and grace. Amen.


Proclaim God’s truth in all you do.

Go with courage.

Go with hope.

Go with faith.

Forgive and be forgiven.

All in Jesus’ name.