Journey to the Cross


You are here. God is here.

God meets you right where you are – in a place God has been before.

God calls you into a place of promise, a place of blessing, a place of grace.

Stay here awhile. Stay here with God.


Because the right to rule belongs to the Lord, he rules all nations. Indeed, all the earth’s powerful will worship him; all who are descending to the dust will kneel before him; my being also lives for him. Future descendants will serve him; generations to come will be told about my Lord. They will proclaim God’s righteousness to those not yet born, telling them what God has done.

Psalm 22:28-31


The church I serve has a handful of three- and four-generation families. While certainly not typical, these families make it seem normal to share a pew at worship among parents, children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren. Beyond some abstract idea of passing on the faith to future generations — let alone those not yet born — these families are living out their faith, ancestors and descendants telling one another about the Lord, serving God together across the ages.

The times I got to worship with my grandparents were few and far between. And I never had the chance to sing a hymn or say a prayer with any of my great-grandparents. Still, I owe a lot of my faith practices to them — if not directly, then through their children and grandchildren, my parents. In story and song, in word and deed, they told me about the God they had learned about from their parents.

Peter Hanson


I have heard what you have done, my Lord and my God. Help me tell others, even those I have yet to meet. Amen.


Walk with God, trusting in God’s promises.

Be convinced that God will do what God has promised to do.

Live in that trust, in that conviction, in that faith.

Walk with God and be trustworthy.