Journey to the Cross



Reach, stretch.

Reach, stretch, extend.

Reach, stretch, extend, and grow closer to our Living God who is present with you in this very moment!


When the Lord changed Zion’s circumstances for the better, it was like we had been dreaming. Our mouths were suddenly filled with laughter; our tongues were filled with joyful shouts. It was even said, at that time, among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them!” Yes, the Lord has done great things for us, and we are overjoyed.

Psalm 126:1-3


It was the middle of summer camp, and I, the camp counselor, was done! I had bug bites. I was exhausted. Campers were crying about being homesick or whining about the camp food or complaining about having Bible study. “Is God really here?” I asked myself.

We were playing a tag game outside, and I had stopped, looked down to catch my breath, and thought, “God, why am I here?” At that moment, one of my whiny campers said, “Hey, Jeremy. Look up!” I didn’t understand at first, but when I looked up…WHOA!

That day, the sky was covered with clouds, except in the middle of camp. There was this perfect circle where you could see the sky and the sunbeams shining on the lake. My camper said, “Looks like God opened up the clouds to take a look at us.”

Though I was supposed to be the leader, that day, this amazing (whiny) camper reminded me: the Lord has done great things for us! Reach out and grab hold of such moments.

Jeremy Wilhelmi


Compassionate God, thank you for putting people in my life to help remind me of the great things you do for me. Help me to look for and hold onto these things, especially when I’m struggling. Amen.


God’s hand is always extended towards us. Reach out and grab it! And while you’re at it, since you’ve got another hand too, reach it out towards others, showing them the same love that God has for you!