Journey to the Cross



Reach, stretch.

Reach, stretch, extend.

Reach, stretch, extend, and grow closer to our Living God who is present with you in this very moment!


Lord, change our circumstances for the better, like dry streams in the desert waste! Let those who plant with tears reap the harvest with joyful shouts. Let those who go out, crying and carrying their seed, come home with joyful shouts, carrying bales of grain!

Psalm 126:4-6


After returning from a youth trip, I went back to church to clean the van. I hadn’t thought it through. It was the middle of the day — summer. I got thirsty and realized I left my water inside the church… along with my keys. I was locked out and couldn’t go anywhere.

It was a Saturday. No one was around, and I didn’t have a cell phone. After yelling at myself for a minute, I decided to go ahead and finish cleaning the van. As I was cleaning, I prayed, rather sarcastically: “God, I don’t ask for much. But if you could, I don’t know, have someone come by with a key — that would be great!” Or in the psalmist’s words: “Change my circumstances for the better!”

As soon as I stepped out of the hot van, my pastor was pulling up, smiling. In that smile God said to me, “Bet you didn’t think I heard you, huh?!”

I hadn’t expected an answer so quickly, but I was reminded that God is truly a God who is for us!

Jeremy Wilhelmi


Loving God, there are days when I feel I need just a little more from you. Help me remember during those times, whether you answer me immediately or not, that you’ve got my back. Amen.


God’s hand is always extended towards us. Reach out and grab it! And while you’re at it, since you’ve got another hand too, reach it out towards others, showing them the same love that God has for you!