Journey to the Cross


Move the immovable
Break the unbreakable
God, we believe
God, we believe for it
From the impossible
Weā€™ll see a miracle
God, we believe
God, we believe for it

ā€œBelieve For Itā€ by CeCe Winans


The promise to Abraham and to his descendants, that he would inherit the world, didnā€™t come through the Law but through the righteousness that comes from faith.Ā If they inherit because of the Law, then faith has no effect and the promise has been canceled.Ā The Law brings about wrath. But when there isnā€™t any law, there isnā€™t any violation of the law.Ā Thatā€™s why the inheritance comes through faith, so that it will be on the basis of Godā€™s grace. In that way, the promise is secure for all of Abrahamā€™s descendants, not just for those who are related by Law but also for those who are related by the faith of Abraham, who is the father of all of us.

Romans 4:13-16


The promise given to Abraham and his descendants isn’t about following strict rules but rather about having faith. Receiving Godā€™s promises means trusting in God’s goodness and faithfulness. Faith, rather than mere adherence to rules, secures the promise, showing us that God’s grace is what allows us to receive Godā€™s blessings. This doesn’t mean we should ignore the importance of rules and laws in our lives. They are important, but we donā€™t follow rules and laws in order to gain Godā€™s promises or love. Rather, our faith in God’s love and righteousness should guide us in understanding, receiving, and believing Godā€™s promises.

Receiving Godā€™s promise through faith means acknowledging that God’s grace extends beyond rules or regulations. It’s about trusting in God’s faithfulness rather than relying solely on human efforts. Faith, along with gratitude for Godā€™s grace and promise, leads us to follow Godā€™s ways. Believing in Godā€™s promise secures it for all who follow in the footsteps of Abraham’s faith, uniting us as inheritors of God’s blessings.

Dihanne Moore

Question to Ponder:
How does the concept of faith in God’s promises reshape your perspective on rules and regulations in your life? How do they intersect?


Dear God, help me deepen my belief in your promises, understanding that your promises arenā€™t restricted by rules, but they flow from your unwavering grace and faithfulness. Guide me to trust in your love and righteousness, knowing that my belief helps me see your blessings in my life. Amen.


Lord God, you created heaven and earth by your great power and outstretched arm; nothing is too hard for you!

Jeremiah 32:17