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It’s all about determination—the decision to accomplish something in spite of all the resistance that wells up inside.

When you want to make a change, when anyone wants to shake things up, there is always “push back.” Moving from old to new, even when everyone agrees it’s a good idea, is hard.

That’s true even for God’s good ideas about transformation, which often encounter resistance. Still, God has a pretty good record when it comes to changing things—and people. Now might be a good time for you to decide it’s time to give in.


From there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find him if you search after him with all your heart and soul.

Deuteronomy 4:29


Many of us loved playing hide-and-seek as children, and many youth groups cannot get enough of the game “sardines”—hide and seek in reverse! Best played at night, one person hides and everyone searches for that person and hides with them until the whole group is together, laughing and trying to keep quiet.

I think the writer of Deuteronomy would have liked playing sardines, would have appreciated the giggles and togetherness of everyone crammed into a small space. The writer calls for us to seek God with all our being—heart, soul, and body. That’s no small task. But if we actively search for God in our everyday lives, we will find God. God isn’t hiding from us, like in a game of sardines. Take the risk to find God today in your life. Search, and you will find God in unexpected places.

John Ryan


God, help me to be bold in searching for you in unexpected places today. Surprise me with finding you in the actions and words of friends and strangers. Help me to find you today. Make your presence known to me in a real, tangible way. Amen.


Every single encounter with God
Holds the promise of
A new direction;
A new perspective;
A change of heart and mind.

Go now resolved that your life will be
Made over again
By the overwhelming grace of God.