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It’s all about determination—the decision to accomplish something in spite of all the resistance that wells up inside.

When you want to make a change, when anyone wants to shake things up, there is always “push back.” Moving from old to new, even when everyone agrees it’s a good idea, is hard.

That’s true even for God’s good ideas about transformation, which often encounter resistance. Still, God has a pretty good record when it comes to changing things—and people. Now might be a good time for you to decide it’s time to give in.


Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me.

John 15:4


The dictionary defines abide as to wait for or to endure without yielding. In this passage, we are the branches and God is the vine. If we expect to bear fruit, we must be connected to God and allow time for God to help us grow.

If you have ever tended a garden, you know it is hard work. You have to prepare the soil; amend it if needed; plant the seeds; provide the seeds with sunshine, water, and fertilizer; protect them from insects; and regularly weed your garden. If you do all those things, then the harvest will be great.

Our faith is like that, too! It takes patience and work to grow as disciples of Christ. We must be connected to God, but when we are connected and abide in God, the harvest will be beyond our expectations. What changes do you need to make to have your faith flourish today?

John Ryan


God, abide in me, and I will abide in you. Just as a garden grows with sunshine, rain, and care, help my faith in you to grow in the same way. Give me the patience to see my faith grow and flourish, and in turn share my faith with others. Amen.


Every single encounter with God
Holds the promise of
A new direction;
A new perspective;
A change of heart and mind.

Go now resolved that your life will be
Made over again
By the overwhelming grace of God.