Ordinary Time


We make space for God’s Spirit to fill us. A new identity – a new purpose – wells up within.

This new way of being comes not from our hearts alone; it comes from Jesus Christ and his righteousness.

Breathe in these words and know that you are loved: “Christ be with me, Christ within me, Christ behind me, Christ before me.” (from The Prayer of St. Patrick)


But can anyone know what they’ve accidentally done wrong? Clear me of any unknown sin and save your servant from willful sins. Don’t let them rule me. Then I’ll be completely blameless; I’ll be innocent of great wrongdoing.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to you, Lord, my rock and my redeemer.

Psalm 19:12-14


Psalm 19 ends with a prayer in which the psalmist asks that the word of their mouth and the meditations of their heart would be pleasing to God.

It is easy to lose control over the words of our mouths. We can lose our temper or we can say something that we meant to be funny, but is actually hurtful to another. Social media is often a place where people feel they can say whatever they want with no consequences.

The mediations of our heart are those things that we consider doing even if we do not voice them. They are those hidden desires and ideas that we tend to keep to ourselves.

The writer is asking that the righteousness of God would so seep into their being that even their tongue and heart are transformed and redeemed. May we always be willing to seek God’s righteousness in what we do, in what we say, and even in what we think or feel.

Tyler Tankersley


God, our redeemer, I ask that you would move and work within me. I ask that your Holy Spirit would help the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart to be so focused on love that it pleases you, O Lord. Guide and direct me into your righteousness. Amen.


As you depart from this moment, may you know that the righteousness of Jesus Christ walks with you wherever you go.


Upon the Eternal

Jon Chacko