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As followers of Jesus, we have committed to a life of faith and discipleship. We reaffirm this initial commitment with a fresh commitment to follow Christ each day.

Scripture invites us to choose today whom we will serve, whom we will follow. Will you follow Jesus today? Where might the Spirit of God lead you?


So live in Christ Jesus the Lord in the same way as you received him. Be rooted and built up in him, be established in faith, and overflow with thanksgiving just as you were taught.

Colossians 2:6-7


Receiving gifts is exciting, but soon the newness fades, and all too often joy and gratitude go along with it. I experience this every year a few weeks after Christmas is past. I remember vividly the excitement of sharing time with family and giving and receiving presents together. But then, the tree and decorations are gone and a new year begins. Some of the gifts that I was so excited to unwrap almost seem in the way now, cluttering the table until I find somewhere to store them. Things that once brought delight almost seem like a nuisance.

This ingratitude seems shameful, but all too often we treat Jesus the same way. The excitement that came with meeting Jesus or recommitting to follow him fades as routine sets in. Another year begins, and Jesus seems to be in our way. Instead, Colossians challenges us, “Live in Christ Jesus the Lord in the same way you received him.” What way is this? Rooted and built up in Jesus, established in faith, and overflowing with thanksgiving!

Joshua Hays


Thank you Lord for the gift of Jesus that I have received! Forgive me when I take this gift for granted. Help me instead to live in Christ as I received him, with joy and thanksgiving to you. Amen.


The seed that fell on good soil are those who hear the word and commit themselves to it with a good and upright heart. Through their resolve, they bear fruit.

Luke 8:15 (emphasis added)

May you bear fruit in this season of commitment to the Lord Jesus.