Journey to the Cross


Obedience is not a popular word. We might think of it as something for children, not mature people. But ā€œobedienceā€ comes from the Latin word obedire, meaning ā€œto listen,ā€ a very adult thing to do. Take a deep breath, and open yourself to listen.


Some Greeks were among those who had come up to worship at the festival.Ā They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, and made a request: ā€œSir, we want to see Jesus.ā€Ā Philip told Andrew, and Andrew and Philip told Jesus.

Jesus replied,Ā ā€œThe time has come for the Human One to be glorified.ā€

John 12:20-23


ā€œWe want to see Jesus.ā€ At first this seems like a simple request, but did you know that a main theme of Johnā€™s gospel is seeing? The writer of this gospel makes a point that people who think they understand everything already donā€™t really have good spiritual vision. And, people who realize that they need better insight are the ones who really can see what God wants them to see. In other words, know-it-alls arenā€™t very teachable. So when these people from another country humbly tell Jesusā€™ disciples they need help to see Jesus, that is significant. When Jesus hears that people from a far-away place are looking for him, he realizes that itā€™s time to show the world who he is. He is getting ready to go to the cross, so that those who really want to see can see God in him.

Dawn Weaks

Question to Ponder:

Have you ever thought you had full knowledge, but then grew in your understanding? What are you asking God to help you see?


Open my eyes, Lord,

I want to see Jesus.

Open my ears, Lord,

and help me to listen.



Hear what God is nudging you to hear. Maybe itā€™s to pause before speaking, or to act boldly when you see someone wronged. Maybe itā€™s to love outside of your circle. Maybe itā€™s to love yourself. Take courage, and listen.