Ordinary Time


Show me the way, show me the way. / Take me tonight to the river / and wash my illusions away. / Please, show me the way.

Show me the way, show me the way. / Bring me tonight to the mountain / and take my confusion away. / And show me the way.

Show me the way, show me the way. / Give me the strength and the courage / to believe that I'll get there someday. / And please show me the way.

Styx in “Show Me The Way” (1990)


You are definitely my rock and my fortress. Guide me and lead me for the sake of your good name! Get me out of this net that’s been set for me because you are my protective fortress. I entrust my spirit into your hands; you, Lord, God of faithfulness— you have saved me.

Psalm 31:3-5


We are only a few weeks removed from Holy Week, the time each year when we retell the passion story of Jesus. We remember how, upon that cross, Jesus uttered the words of the Psalmist: “I entrust my spirit into your hands.”

Jesus was literally giving up his life, but he was also modeling for us what it means to fully trust God to take the lead. As the fatigue of isolation settles in, decision-making and clear judgement become more difficult. What would it look like if each of us decided to hand our lives over to God – not literally to death, like Jesus did, but rather in our behavior and our decisions?

Giving our spirit up to God is scary. It requires that we relinquish control. But the Psalm reminds us that God is faithful to the end, and in this we can have hope.

Leigh Benish


Loving God, you are here to guide me along the right path if only I put my full trust in you. Show me where I should go, and help me have the strength to follow. Amen.


Through Jesus Christ, and by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, God provides guidance for us each step of the way.

Go and follow this guidance, full of courage and trust, knowing that God loves you infinitely and will not lead you astray.