
Recognizing the “signs of the times” depends on so many things - eyes that see, ears that hear, a heart open to all that’s holy in our midst.

Largely, reading the signs depends on your connections – the other people in your life, what you read and listen to, what you believe, for heaven’s sake!

So how about hanging out with God? God is never absent, always seeking you (whether or not you are seeking God). Take a moment. Open mind and heart. Listen. Learn to recognize the signs of the holy in all times.


“When you hear of wars and insurrections, do not be terrified; for these things must take place first, but the end will not follow immediately.” Then he said to them, “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and plagues; and there will be dreadful portents and great signs from heaven."

Luke 21:9-11


Easy to say, “Do not be terrified,” but not so easy to do.

Some years ago, I was a young mom home alone with my two babies as my husband was driving across Wyoming in a winter blizzard. I was filled with fear. I thought, “What if something were to happen to him? How would I deal with this precious family? Where would we live?” I had been praying about his safety, when I finally just turned my prayer to my own fear. “Help me, Lord.”

The answer that came to me was, “The fisherman who is afraid of the storm is probably in a weak boat.”

Not exactly the message one would hope to receive from an angel, but it was lifesaving for me. Indeed, I needed to work on my spiritual boat. I needed to pay more attention to that which upholds me in both calm and stormy seas. I recommend turning your fears over when they seem to overwhelm you. See what the angels have to say to you.

Barbara Gray


For it is thou, Lord, thou, Lord only,
that makest me dwell in safety. Amen.

Samuel Sebastian Wesley


Before you go, take another moment. Breathe deeply of the unconditional love, strength, compassion, and courage that God brings.

Then go to be the hands and feet of the Lord in your world – no matter how big or small. Make your life a “sign of the times,” a sign of joy and hope for each new day.

You can’t do it alone. That’s the key. But God is always there to help if you are aware and reach out for God's hand.

You’ll see the signs everywhere.