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Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

Matthew 22:37-39 (NIV)

My soul is the essence of who I am, my very being. It is the boundless, timeless, passionate part of me. It is my authentic spiritual self.

What does it mean to honor my authentic spiritual self today?

What does it mean to love God with my soul?


But how can I handle all your troubles, burdens, and disputes by myself? Now, for each of your tribes, choose wise, discerning, and well-regarded individuals. I will appoint them as your leaders.

You answered me: “What you have proposed is a good idea.”

Deuteronomy 1:12-14


We can never manage everything on our own.

There are people around us — wise, discerning, well-regarded people — who are ready to help. They may be parents, youth ministers, clergy, guidance counselors, teachers, friends, neighbors.

Sometimes we are the ones called to be useful and helpful to the people and community around us.

Try this exercise: as you go through your day, watch for all the ways people are supporting you.

And notice how many times you have a chance to reach out to someone close to you with a compliment, a helping hand, or a simple smile.

When we train ourselves to look for these simple gestures, we are often surprised by how many chances we have to remember that we are all connected.

God has created a world where we support and care for one another so that no one is left by themselves to handle all the troubles, burdens, and disputes of life.

And this is a good idea. A very good idea.

Wendy Johnson


Creator, help me remember today that I do not have to walk through these days alone. I can rely on the people around me. Help me remember, too, that sometimes I am the one who helps my friends and neighbors. I am so grateful that you created a world where I can rely on others and on you for all the love, support, and grace that I need. Amen.


Go and find that boundless, timeless, passionate part of yourself.

Go and be the person God is calling you to be.