Journey to the Cross


Listen slowly —

You can hear something quickly, but you can really only listen slowly. Hearing may happen accidently, but listening only happens intentionally.

Sometimes, the Spirit whispers. Always Love listens.


About that time, Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and John baptized him in the Jordan River. While he was coming up out of the water, Jesus saw heaven splitting open and the Spirit, like a dove, coming down on him. And there was a voice from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I dearly love; in you I find happiness.”

Mark 1:9-11


Baptism is first and foremost a blessing.

It may sound simplistic, but baptism is really about “dressing up” like Jesus. We put on robes that are always too big and a little uncomfortable. We take part in actions that are contrary to our natural inclinations. We allow someone else to submerge us below the waters or have water sprinkled on our heads. Especially for those who decide to be baptized, the process itself requires trust and humility.

In baptism, we declare that Jesus is Lord. In stepping into and stepping out of the water, we want to do what Jesus did.

The difference between getting wet and being baptized is most obvious after you leave the baptismal waters. If you have just gotten wet, you played dress up and can easily remove your religious robes and dry off. But, if you have been baptized, the robe of Christ somehow sticks. It won’t come off. It is a burden… and it is a blessing.

Chris George


God of Love and Life, remind me of my baptism and make me clean during this Lenten Season. Grant me the courage to follow Christ from these waters to the cross. Forgive me when I stray, teach me to walk in your way. Amen.


God gives you strength to overcome any struggle, blessings greater than your burdens. This is Good News.

Speak Up. Speak Out.

Fast and Feed.

Pray and Act.

Live and Love.