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Playing cards with family, a doodle on a notebook, or a pick-up game of basketball. Should we really be spending time on frivolous activities? But then our eyes are opened: God is in all of this! We can play as well as work, study, or practice to the glory of God.

Jesus came that we might have life and have it abundantly. It was not a promise that we would be happy or have all that we had dreamed. It was the promise of abundant life, full of experiences and relationships, rich with love and joy.

Take time now to reconnect to that abundance.


The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.

John 10:10


Play is an amusing diversion, but diversion takes us off track. We need to reclaim our understanding of play as essential for abundant life. It is sometimes the only fitting response to the wonder and experience of God. Play transforms mundane lives into abundant living.

We know abundance. We have lives full of activities, obligations, or pressures. That type of plenty is exhausting. If we approach play as only a diversion, it, too, can be exhausting. We end up working just as hard at playing as we do in keeping up our grades, being the best at sports, or creating a perfect resume. We try to squeeze out every ounce of joy.

Take a break and just play. Experience abundant life through laughter that makes your stomach hurt or brings tears to your eyes. Allow God to bring abundance that can transform your life and your love.

Michelle Thomas-Bush


God, you sent your son so that I might have life and have it abundantly. May I not stand in the way of your hopes and intentions. Amen.


Let us respond to the amazing love of God
With wild abandon and joyous laughter.
May our laughter reflect God’s delight,
And may our play be praise to God.