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Playing cards with family, a doodle on a notebook, or a pick-up game of basketball. Should we really be spending time on frivolous activities? But then our eyes are opened: God is in all of this! We can play as well as work, study, or practice to the glory of God.

Jesus came that we might have life and have it abundantly. It was not a promise that we would be happy or have all that we had dreamed. It was the promise of abundant life, full of experiences and relationships, rich with love and joy.

Take time now to reconnect to that abundance.


But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. “So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.

Matthew 6:33-34


The kingdom of God can be found in a deep belly laugh in the same way we experience the kingdom in the candlelight of Christmas Eve or in the soft glow of a campfire. Laughter and playfulness are kingdom words and two of God’s very good gifts to humanity.

I know the school year is just starting so it cannot be all laughter and play, but it can be all about the kingdom of God. God is Lord over all our actions, including our play. God created the world and called it good, creating shining stars, creeping things, and flying birds—this is a playful God! God created our bodies and our imaginations.

Our ingenuity has led us to the creation of roller coasters, amazing TraceLoops, even a beautiful hammock. Each can a be way to seek God with all that we are, fully present in God’s kingdom.

Michelle Thomas-Bush


I often seek you first on Sunday. Then on Monday, I seek you much later in the day. God, may I seek you and your kingdom every day of the week. You, O God, are my priority because I know I am yours. In your son’s holy name I pray, Amen.


Let us respond to the amazing love of God
With wild abandon and joyous laughter.
May our laughter reflect God’s delight,
And may our play be praise to God.