
We are limited, every one of us. There is only so much we can know, so much we can do.

God is not like us. Limitless in time, space, and imagination, God is mighty in ways we cannot fully describe; we can only trust in God's unlimited power.

Power, in God's case, is expressed in unlimited love. Rest now in the all-encompassing love of the Almighty.


Then Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here; if you wish, I will make three dwellings here, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” While he was still speaking, suddenly a bright cloud overshadowed them, and from the cloud a voice said, “This is my Son, the Beloved; with him I am well pleased; listen to him!”

Matthew 17:4-5


Have you ever been somewhere so amazing that you wanted to stay there forever? I have often wondered if that was what made Peter volunteer to build Jesus and the great prophets houses right there on that mountain. Even if Peter did not recognize exactly what was happening in that magical moment of transfiguration, he was certain of one thing: he wanted it to last.

It’s a tendency we all have: to want to nail down a moment, to stay where things are perfect. But God’s words gave a very clear rebuke to Peter’s instinct: “This is my beloved; listen to him!” In just a few minutes, Jesus would instruct Peter to head back down the mountain into a chaotic world of people begging for help and healing. This was a moment Peter wanted to hold on to; but as a disciple, his call was to carry the memory of what he had seen and heard into a world yearning for hope.

Abby Thornton Hailey


God, as you came down to make your home among us in Jesus, help me carry your light into the world among your children crying out for mercy and love. May I draw hope from moments of wonder and amazement with you that can help me live according to your ways. Amen.


Strong is the light that comes from our Creator,
Maker of heaven and earth.

Long is the way that leads from now to forever,
Yet we are not left alone.

Wherever you go and however you travel,
The strong arm of God
Is taking you home.