Ordinary Time


On the Discovery Channel show Dirty Jobs, host Mike Rowe took on some of the most challenging jobs that vary from absolutely disgusting to humanly impossible. While we watch, we wonder, how can a person do that task day after day? We acknowledge that someone has to do it – please, just not me!

This may be the very response God hears when a mere mortal gets the call to be a prophet. Yes – someone needs to go forth and proclaim What the Lord says … God’s call is clear, commanding, and convincing. It’s a Dirty Job with little to no reward – sometimes resulting in death. Episode “The Prophet’s Call” can be seen this week on d365.org.


So they went out and proclaimed that people should change their hearts and lives. They cast out many demons, and they anointed many sick people with olive oil and healed them.

Mark 6:12-13


We pray for miracles to happen: cancer to be cured, marriages to heal, soldiers to return, even a passing grade on an exam. Without the clear and powerful presence of God, we know that outcome will not be what we want or need. Have you ever been a part of or seen one of God’s miracles?

Two years ago I was asked to lead a funeral for a friend whose husband took his own life. Everyone was in shock, angry, and in pain. As the service approached, the family began to attack one another and me as well. I searched and prayed for wisdom. I called to say I would not do the funeral. I let it go completely in God’s hands and not in mine. What God did next was a miracle. Healing and forgiveness, grace and mercy, love and understanding began to fill this family! Wow!

Sometimes we doubt it. But God is always at work, and when we witness or even participate in that work, life is good … really good!

Natalie Nicholas Adams


God of all things good, help me to let go and trust you, to place my complete faith in you alone! Help me to live well and live blessed. In the powerful name of Jesus, amen.


We are people of habits and routines. Our comfort zones include safe places, kind people, good food, and ready-made excuses. And in our comfort zones we often find our rhythms of grace.

But … what if today God is calling you to a new place, a new face, or a never tried skill?! There may never be a thank you or any applause, but God will supply all you need to do what is being asked of you.

As you go, remember that God does not call the prepared – God prepares the called.